CCECHS Parent Teacher Student Association

PTSA membership is open to everyone, parents, grandparents, friends and community members! PTSA is an inclusive organization and we invite all adults who care about children and schools to join. Although you may still participate in PTSA activities without a formal membership, by joining you gain the right to vote on PTSA issues – from board members to budgets!
We are part of the National Parent Teacher Association® (PTA) which is the oldest child advocacy organization in the United States. The National PTA provides parents and families with a powerful legislative voice to speak on behalf of every child and the best tools to help their children be safe, healthy, and successful—in school and in life.
Your membership is your voice (legislative voice) for the students of Cross Creek Early College High School. The more members our PTSA has, the more voting delegates we receive at the state level. More voting delegates equals more votes that support the interests of CCECHS and its families. Our students are worth the investment and a strong PTSA illustrates our community’s support to our school and student body.