ACMS School Registration
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Welcome to Anne Chesnutt Middle School. We are glad that you have chosen us to educate your child(ren). Anne Chesnutt operates on a year-round schedule and is also a school of choice in language and robotics. We look forward to having your child in our classes. Starting school can be a very arduous process. The Anne Chesnutt Guidance department strives to make the registration process simple and easy for transitioning students and parents. For questions about registration, please contact our Registrar, Mrs. Kathleen Gambrell via e-mail, fax, or phone.
E-mail: Registrar's Email
Phone: 910.867.9147
Fax: 910.868.3695
Before beginning the registration process please be reminded that you MUST have the proper documentation and be the parent or legal custodian of the child that you are enrolling.
Transferring from Another Cumberland County School:
If you have moved to a new attendance area in Cumberland County:
Withdraw from your current school. Please make sure all items checked out in the student's Destiny account from their previous school have been accounted for.
Take the withdrawal form to the new school to register along with Proof of Immunization.
You must also show proof of your new address. (Deed of Trust, current lease or utility bill)
Hardship Transfer:
The parent /custodian must complete a “Special Assignment Request Form” and submit it to the Planning & Student Assignment Office. The request will be reviewed by the appropriate Associate Superintendent. The final decision will be based on:
Physical Handicap of the student
Mental Handicap of the student
Emotional Handicap of the student
Extenuating circumstances stated by the parent
Enrollment and growth potential of the schools involved.
New to Cumberland County Schools:
If you are transferring to the Cumberland County School System from another school system or are new to North Carolina you will need to need to bring the following records to the school:
Child’s Birth Certificate
Child’s Immunization/shot record (Parents of 7th graders see below!)
Proof of Residency (Current mortgage, lease, utility bill)
Proof of Current Grade level/Withdrawal form from the previous school attended (You’ll need a copy of your child’s current report card with grades or withdrawal papers from your child’s previous school.)
Child’s Social Security Card
Special Education Record / IEP
Proof of Custody Paperwork
ALL 7th Graders must have the following immunizations before enrolling in any Cumberland County School:
Pertussis (Tdap)
Menacta / Meningitis
*If you are not sure which school your child should attend you may contact the Student Assignment Office at 910.678.2616 or check the Find Your Assigned School